News flash

News flash 2020

ricominciamo200xMay 31, 2020. 15.30. We have started again.
The Jola Museum is open to friends and visitors in a peaceful environment, appropriate to the requirements of the Emilia Romagna Region for Covid 19 with new updated exhibition route and the inclusion in the collections of new and exclusive objects recovered around the world, during the months spent with breathless.
July and August the museum is open every day from 15.30 to 18.30. We wait for you with mask, gloves, distances of 1 meter between people and in any case no more than three people per room (except for the same family group). At the entrance you will find information on the new visit route and medical support items.

Make a Donation

 The activities of the museum relies on volunteers and donations.
Your donation can help us so the new and future generations can learn from their past.


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