Introductory remarks
The authors designed the website ‘www.sulleormedeinostripadri.it’ to share their own passion of historical periods and events with other history enthusiasts
The pursued intention is to find and share historical documents and original photographs, preferably never before published, to provide the most up-to-date information that is verified and accurate.
As a result the content may not be exhaustive, complete or updated, despite their being checked constantly. Where errors are reported, these will be rectified as quickly as possible.
Information may make reference to the external websites of other parties - even through the use of links from the pages of www.sulleormedeinostripadri.it over which the authors have absolutely no control.
The www.sulleormedeinostripadri.it website has no political or ideological stance and should be viewed purely and simply as a site of historical interest.
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The aforementioned responsibility exclusions are not intended to limit the responsibility of the creators in violation of legal provision under applicable national law, or to exclude it in cases in which it cannot be excluded by force of law.
Copyright © 2006-2014 Andrea e Giuliano Gandolfi
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