History of the 5th Army in Italy

Display #
Title Hits
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter II. 763
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter III. 685
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter IV. 849
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter IV-2. 713
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter V. 798
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter VI. 693
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter VI-2. 738
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter VII. 703
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter VII-2. 702
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Chapter VIII. 668
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Order of battle I. 679
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Order of battle II. 703
Web Link The Gothic Line. Part 7th Order of battle III. 668
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter I.
  • This volume resumes the narrative of the Fifth Armies history during the Italian offensive on December 16, 1944 and details the utilization of time during the cessation of offensive operations during the winter of 1944/1945.
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter I-2. 565
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter II. 556
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter II-2. 823
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter III. 655
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter IV. 701
Web Link The second winter. Part 8th Chapter V. 1154

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