History of the 5th Army in Italy

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Web Link From Activation to the fall of Naples. Part 1st Chapters I and II

History of the 5th Army from their activation, January 5, 1943 through operations in Italy and the fall of Naples on October 6, 1943.

Web Link From Activation to the fall of Naples. Part 1st Chapters III and IV 1050
Web Link From activation to the fall of Naples. Part 1st Chapters V and VI 1024
Web Link From activation to the fall of Naples. Part 1st Chapter annexes. 867
Web Link From Volturno River to Winter Line. Part 2nd Chapters I and II.

The Fifth Army on October 7,1943 from the banks of the Volturno River and trough their halt at the German Winter line November 15, 1943.

Web Link From Volturno River to Winter line. Part 2nd Chapters III and IV. 989
Web Link From Volturno River to Winter line. Part 2nd Chapters V, VI and VII. 1028
Web Link From Volturno River to Winter line. Part 2nd Chapter annexes. 1179
Web Link The Winter Line. Part 3rd Chapters I and II

The assault to the German Winter Line beginning November 16, 1943 ending January 15, 1944.

Web Link The Winter Line. Part 3rd Chapters III and IV. 1121
Web Link The Winter Line. Part 3rd Chapters V and VI 798
Web Link The Winter Line. Part 3rd Chapter annexes. 827
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter I.

From their advance beginning January 16, 1944 trough Cassino-Anzio campaign March 31, 1944.

Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapters II and III. 843
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter IV. 914
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter IV-2. 932
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter V. 868
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter V-2. 819
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter VI. 781
Web Link Cassino and Anzio. Part 4th Chapter VII. 811

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