Linea Gotica 1944 - Amedeo Montemaggi, 2002
Italy's Sorrow - James Holland, 2008
The Gothic Line Douglas Orgill, 1967
The war against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adiacent area - Department of the US Army, 1951
US Army in world war II: Mediterranean Theater of operation - Cassino to the Alps - Ernst F. Fisher jr., 1989
The 91st Infantry Division in World War II - Major Robert A. Robbins, 1947
The Blue Devils in Italy. A history of the 88th Infantry Division in world war II - John P. Delaney, 1947
The 85th Infantry Division in world war II - Paul Schultz, 1949
The campaign in Italy 1943-1945 - Eric Linklater, 1959
History of the First Division - Florence to Monte Grande - 1946
Mussolini e il fascismo - Paul Guichonnet, 1994
Cronology of the 10th Mountain Division - John Imbrie, 2004